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Marriage Record Search Request: May 1, 1848 - December 31, 1950

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    • You can pay by credit card by completing your order online. Or you can print the request form and pay by check or money order.
    • You may combine up to 10 records from different databases and record request forms in a single order.

The State Archives maintains all birth, marriage, and death records filed at the state level from May 1, 1848 through December 31, 1950.

For a $10.00 fee we will search:

A 1-year date span: marriage month and year are required. OR

A combination of year of marriage and State File number (from January 1, 1901 onwards). In this case, you must enter an accurate year, and select a county and month (these fields are required to submit the form, but they do not need to be accurate). Then, enter the State File number, which is also required, in the "Additional Information" section.

For a $15.00 fee we will search:

A 2-year date span: 1st year required and 2nd year will be calculated.

For marriages filed May 1848 - December 1900, please use the Marriages Records, May 1848 - December 1900 searchable database which indexes all marriage records available for this date range.

Fees are non-refundable regardless of whether the record requested is found.

If we find the record requested, we will email you a digital, non-certified PDF of the record.

For certified copies:

Any record searched by the New Jersey State Archives can be certified. There is an additional $25.00 per record fee to certify a record. For more than one copy of the same record there may be an additional copy fee and the certification fee is multiplied by the number of copies. Please note in the Additional Information field that you will need a certified copy for the record you are requesting. We will email an invoice for the additional fees after the search has been completed and we verify we have the original record.

Requests for post-1950 marriage records should be directed to: Office of Vital Statistics and Registry, New Jersey Department of Health, P. O. Box 370, Trenton, NJ 08625-0370.

Complete all Required fields *
Please provide as much information as possible.
If any information is unknown, please type or select "unknown"

Full Name of Groom  *
Full Maiden Name of Bride  *
Place of Marriage (Town, City, Township)
County  *
Select 1-Year or 2-Year Search  * Date of Marriage  *


Additional Information (Maximum 255 characters)             


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