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World War I Deaths: Descriptive Cards, Photographs, and Correspondence

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More than 3,400 New Jersey men were killed in action or otherwise died while in United States service during World War I, 1917-1918. In late 1919, the U.S. War Department issued, to the adjutant generals of each state, sample cards for the recording of service information for deceased soldiers and sailors. This database includes 3,427 name entries, linked to an information card or photograph, or frequently both. The information cards provide the following data: name; service number; race; residence; place and date of enlistment; place and date of birth; organizations served in and dates of assignment/transfer; date killed or otherwise died (if not killed in action, cause of death); wounds or injuries received; and the name and address of the person notified of the death. The photographs included in the series measure 3.5"x5.5", and contain (usually) an oval-shaped, reproduced image (frequently from a military portrait). Unfortunately, these copied photographs are low-resolution.

The correspondence linked to the database orginated from the New Jersey State Library's War History Bureau collection. The Bureau sent letters to fallen soldiers' families, asking for a photograph of their loved one. The photographs were to be used in a Bureau publication. The correspondence that the Bureau received with the photographs sometimes describes the soldier's life before the war and how he died fighting for his country.

You can search the database by surname, first name, town and county of residence, birth state and country, cause of death and race. For a more direct search, if you already know the database-assigned Card ID number simply enter it into the field for Card ID # and click "Search".

A maximum of 500 records can be retrieved in one search.

Last Name:
First Name
Card ID #
Residence Town:
Residence County
Birth State
Birth Country
Cause of Death:


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